This post will explore the possibility to run multiple GitHub Actions steps inside a Docker container that is built in the same workflow.
I will visualize this with a simple example of a PHP project utilizing PHPUnit, PHPStan and PHP-CS-Fixer but this of course works for every language or tooling.
With GitHub Actions you have the possibility to choose from endless available workflows built by the community such as PHP-CS-Fixer or PHPUnit.
The problem with this that - if you're distributing your project as a Docker container (as you should) - your CI environment can be vastly different from your container environment.
You have the option to pin a specific PHP version but nonetheless if you've worked with Docker containers before you will know there are a lot of quirks - such as Alpine images, specific environment variables, multi-step build stages, ...
Why in parallel
The idea
TLDR; If you just want to see the full workflow file, scroll down.
We want to firstly build a reusable Docker container and then run any tasks in parallel afterwards.
1. Build Container
In this build step we will build the container and save it as a tarball to a temporary directory /tmp/project.tar
. To make it later available to other jobs we will upload it as an artifact named project
1build-image: 2 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 3 steps: 4 - name: Checkout repository 5 uses: actions/checkout@v4 6 7 - name: Set up Docker Buildx 8 uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 9 10 - name: Build Container 11 uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 12 with: 13 tags: project-image 14 context: . 15 push: false 16 outputs: type=docker,dest=/tmp/project.tar 17 build-args: | 18 KEY=value 19 20 - name: Upload artifact 21 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 22 with: 23 name: project 24 path: /tmp/project.tar
2. use Container in parallel jobs
In any other following job, we attach a needs: [ build-image ]
to tell GitHub Actions that we depend on the previous job.
The first step is to download previously uploaded artifact (container) project
and load it into the Docker daemon.
1phpstan: 2 name: PHPStan 3 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 4 needs: [ build-image ] 5 steps: 6 - name: Download artifact 7 uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 8 with: 9 name: project 10 path: /tmp 11 12 - name: Load image 13 run: docker load --input /tmp/project.tar 14 15 - name: Run PHPStan 16 uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 17 with: 18 image: project-image 19 run: vendor/bin/phpstan analyse
3. Cleanup
Since we made use of artifacts, these files will be persisted after the default cleanup time of 30 days. This will take up storage quota from your GitHub account.
Note to add if: always()
to always execute this step - even if previous jobs failed. Also specify all previous build steps in the needs: []
1remove-image: 2 name: Remove image 3 if: always() 4 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 5 needs: [ build-image, phpstan ] 6 steps: 7 - uses: geekyeggo/delete-artifact@v2 8 with: 9 name: project
If you're using the same Dockerfile for your production and CI environment, be sure to add a configuration/environment variable which indicates the Docker build to only install production dependencies outside of the CI.
1FROM composer:latest AS build-composer 2 3ARG PRODUCTION=true 4 5WORKDIR /app 6 7COPY . /app 8 9RUN if [ "$PRODUCTION" = "true" ]; then \ 10 composer install --prefer-dist --no-cache --no-scripts --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev; \ 11 else \ 12 composer install --prefer-dist --no-cache --no-scripts --ignore-platform-reqs; \ 13 fi 14RUN composer dump-autoload --optimize
1build-image: 2 steps: 3 - name: Build Container 4 uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 5 with: 6 tags: project-image 7 push: false 8 outputs: type=docker,dest=/tmp/project.tar 9 build-args: | 10 PRODUCTION=false
Quota Usage
If your workflows are running for a longer time and GitHub Actions quota is important to you, note that we have observed that running multiple steps in parallel using different jobs counts more to your quota since every job counts against your quota on its own. The following example is not representative of actual execution times since the job logs originate from different points in time but rather visualize the issue.
Workflow File
Full GitHub Actions workflow file using PHPUnit (+MySQL), PHPStan and PHP-CS-Fixer.
1name: Tests 2 3on: [ push ] 4 5jobs: 6 build-image: 7 name: Build image 8 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 9 steps: 10 - name: Checkout repository 11 uses: actions/checkout@v4 12 13 - name: Set up Docker Buildx 14 uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 15 16 - name: Build Container 17 uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 18 with: 19 tags: project-image 20 context: . 21 push: false 22 outputs: type=docker,dest=/tmp/project.tar 23 build-args: | 24 KEY=value 25 26 - name: Upload artifact 27 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 28 with: 29 name: project 30 path: /tmp/project.tar 31 32 phpunit: 33 name: PHPUnit 34 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 35 needs: [ build-image ] 36 services: 37 database: 38 image: mariadb:10.6 39 env: 40 MYSQL_DATABASE: web 41 MYSQL_USER: web 42 MYSQL_PASSWORD: web 43 MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root 44 ports: 45 - 3306 46 options: --health-cmd="mysqladmin ping" --health-interval=10s --health-timeout=5s --health-retries=3 47 steps: 48 - name: Download artifact 49 uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 50 with: 51 name: project 52 path: /tmp 53 54 - name: Load image 55 run: docker load --input /tmp/project.tar 56 57 - name: Run Tests 58 uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 59 with: 60 image: project-image 61 options: | 62 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway 63 -e APP_KEY=base64:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 64 -e DB_PORT=${{ job.services.database.ports[3306] }} 65 -e DB_HOST=host.docker.internal 66 -e DB_USERNAME=web 67 -e DB_PASSWORD=web 68 -e DB_DATABASE=web 69 run: | 70 php artisan passport:keys 71 vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox 72 73 phpstan: 74 name: PHPStan 75 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 76 needs: [ build-image ] 77 steps: 78 - name: Download artifact 79 uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 80 with: 81 name: project 82 path: /tmp 83 84 - name: Load image 85 run: docker load --input /tmp/project.tar 86 87 - name: Run PHPStan 88 uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 89 with: 90 image: project-image 91 run: vendor/bin/phpstan analyse 92 93 php-cs-fixer: 94 name: PHP-CS-Fixer 95 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 96 needs: [ build-image ] 97 steps: 98 - name: Download artifact 99 uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 100 with: 101 name: project 102 path: /tmp 103 104 - name: Load image 105 run: docker load --input /tmp/project.tar 106 107 - name: Run PHP-CS-Fixer 108 uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3 109 with: 110 image: project-image 111 run: vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --stop-on-violation --dry-run 112 113 remove-image: 114 name: Remove image 115 if: always() 116 runs-on: ubuntu-latest 117 needs: [ build-image, phpunit, phpstan, php-cs-fixer ] 118 steps: 119 - uses: geekyeggo/delete-artifact@v2 120 with: 121 name: project
Fix Laravel Job Queue not processing with MaxAttemptsExceededException
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